Madison has her good days as well as her bad days. She has been great toward Emily, she is always gentle and wants to hold and kiss her daily. But toward me...different story. She is alot more whinny, she doesn't do what I say (she'll give me this look like "why do I have to listen to you!") and she has recently started screaming. This is so different from my well-mannered girl that I get so frusturated!!! She has had quite a few timeouts this week! But I know that this phase will pass and Blain and I are taking the time each day to spend some alone time with her and I think that has really been helping!
Emily is starting to show a pattern in her eating/sleeping schedule. The best part is that her long stretch of sleep during the day is during Madison's naptime and so I get one to three hours of quiet just for me!!! The down side to her schedule is that when she is awake, she wants to eat continuously and be held. We've been supplimenting alot with formula because I'm not producing enough to keep up with her! Blain and I both love that she wants to cuddle, even if she wants it all the time!
I can't believe that she is three weeks old! At times it feels like I just had her yesterday and at other times, it feels like she has always been here! I feel blessed to have two beautiful girls and am soaking every day in.