Monday, November 29, 2010

Favorites from Thanksgiving.

My cousin Danny...BEST. PICTURE. EVER.

Thanksgiving was awesome this year. Despite the fact that half my heart is in Afghanistan, I was surrounded by people who love me! Here are some of my favorites from Thanksgiving this year.

Boyd side of the family.

My sissy, my Momma and me!

Me and my girls.

Me and my Daddy.


Now that November is coming to an end and I've yet to write about all the things I'm thankful for...I'd like to take the opportunity to do that now! I have a great life. I am so blessed.

I'm just gonna start from the top and work my way down!

1. I am thankful for a God who loves me unconditionally. He is my fortress and my strength.
2. I am thankful for the most amazing parents. My mom and dad have always been supportive, understanding, strong and patient. My mom is someone I can always count on to help me out and make me laugh. My dad is the first man to ever love me and because of him I'm not afraid to try anything. He has always been my number one fan!
3. I am thankful for my little sister. She is an amazing young woman who is one of my best friends. We love to laugh and enjoy getting together to make fun of our parents!
4. I am thankful for a husband who is kind and strong. I have known him since we were 12 years old, but after 9 years of friendship followed by almost 6 years of marriage...I am still learning about him. Did you know he can juggle? Who knew? I sure didn't! I swear I fell in love with him all over again when I saw him do it for the first time!
5. I am thankful for two beautiful little girls. They drive me crazy but I'd go crazy without them. They are my world.
6. I am thankful for the most stupendous in-laws. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are a gift from up above. They love me and support me and they will drop what they are doing to come and help me out. My mother-in-law and I talk often and I get very sad whenever I realize that its been days since our last conversation.
7. I am thankful for my sister-in-law as well as all my extended family. I'm tellin' blessed.
8. To the friends I've known since junior high as well as the friends I've made since becoming an adult...I am so thankful for each and every one of you. You have all shaped me into the woman I am today.
9. I am so thankful for pizza...that's right. If you know me, than you know my favorite food is pizza. Italians=culinary geniuses.
10. I am so thankful to be a military wife. I am so thankful to all the men and women who choose that path in life. You are true heroes. As are your spouses.

That is my short list! I have so much more to be thankful for: hot water, Netflix, electricity, Cheez-its, The Wiggles, etc...but those are the big ones!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Emily taking a ride on Rocky!

Here is a video of Emily taking a ride on Rocky!

Emily and Rocky

My cousin Hannah and I took the girls to ride her horse Rocky. I've heard many many times that horses are often used in therapy with children with special needs. I wanted to see this for myself. Could riding a horse really have a positive affect on my Emily? Was I ever amazed! We were at the ranch for two hours and Emily did NOTHING but smile and laugh! She had not ONE tantrum or meltdown. She spent an amazing two hourse petting horses, cows, goats, dogs and sheep. She ran around through the fields and didn't even cry when she fell! While riding Rocky...she was completely content and at ease.

I am now a firm believer in the theraputic nature of horses. And we WILL be going back!

Friday, November 12, 2010


I just had to share THE BEST picture ever taken of the girls! This photo is simply beautiful and I love it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

235 years old today!!!

Happy 235th birthday to the United States Marine Corps!


Monday, November 8, 2010

USMC Christmas

I've been busy making my Christmas gifts the past few weeks and it got me thinking about this Christmas and how different it's going to be. When you have a husband who is deployed during the holidays, everything seems to shift into something that's almost surreal. He's really NOT going to be here to help decorate the tree? To help pick out presents for our girls? To help wrap them? To watch as we let them rip into them Christmas morning? NO. I am doing the shopping alone, I will be wrapping alone and I will be watching their eyes sparkle as they see what's under all that paper...alone. I miss my husband. The girls miss their father. We want him home.

The good thing about this Christmas? I am blessed to have an amazing family and the girls and I will be traveling to see everyone! While I wish the love of my life was by my side, this is the second best thing. To be surrounded by those who love me, who (to some degree) understand how I will be feeling this holiday season, and who will do their best to make it a special and wonderful occasion for the girls and I.

And finally...I've had some trouble while putting Blain's Christmas package together! I mean, what do you send your husband when he is off 'fighting bad guys' (as Madison puts it)? You can't send him that new video game he wants...or even anything that won't fit under his bed! You have to remember that he has to bring it all back with him what is out there for my Marine? I think I have finally figuered it out! While I'm not going to gush about the creative and awesome things I'm going to send him (in the off chance that he actually decides to check this blog) let me just say that I am a super cool wife and he will hopefully love all the little things I've found for him! know you want to pray for us...RIGHT? Well, I have the perfect prayer request! Please pray that the girls and I will be able to enjoy the holidays without being thrown into a pit of depression. And even more important than that...pray that Blain will find comfort in knowing that we are safe and happy. Pray that he is not brought down with despair while spending the holidays apart from...EVERYONE. I can't imagine what's it's going to be like for him to wake up on December 25th and know that he can't spend Christmas with his children...but rather, be sent off to work once again. Pray for him...please please please...pray for Blain.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Miss Maddie

Yes, I spelled it Maddie and not Maddy. That's because yesterday I took the time to 'get to know' my daughter! You see, I've realized that with everything that's going on with Emily, Madison sometimes gets pushed to the side. Well, not this week. Maddie is home with the flu, poor girl. And so she's been getting more of my attention. She wanted me to ask her questions, so I started alittle survey on who my daughter is...this is what we've got so far. (But then I realized that she is 4 and so some of these answers differ every day...but as of yesterday):

Favorite food: Mac N Cheese

Favorite treat: Lollipops

Favorite snack: Goldfish

Favorite person: Daddy (I love this girl)

Best friend: Julia and Maggie

Favorite color: Pink

Who do you want to see right now: Daddy (Love her more!)

Favorite sister: Emily (She giggled when I asked 'duh mom')

Do you like school: Yeah

Favorite toy: Ladybug pillow

And when I asked her if she wanted to spell her name M-A-D-D-Y or M-A-D-D-I-E...she said there we go!

A look into the mind of my Sweet Pea. We are on day 3 of the flu...prayers for her would be appreciated!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Perfect Sunset.

I don't want to talk about anything medically related! So I want to share with you some beautiful sunset pictures I took two nights ago at the Ocenside Harbor Pier. My dear friend Andrea is visiting the girls and I. We went to the Sunset Farmer's Market and than took a walk down the pier and ended up getting some beautiful photos. Enjoy!

Below is Madison and her Auntie Andrea!

The one below with Madison staring out over the pier with her lollipop in hand is one of my favorites!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


OKAY EVERYONE: We had our appointment today with the Geneticist concerning Emily's blood results. And below is everything we talked about. It's alot, so take your time! If you have any questions, feel free to ask...I'm still learning about it all! But we do have SOME answers at least! Next up...the Pediatric Neurosurgeon!

We all have multiple strands of chromosomes. Each chromosome contains two identical strands; one strand from mom and one strand from dad. Each strand contains a bunch of genes. With Emily...her chromsome 7 pair is off. She has one good strand and the other strand is missing 41 genes. This is the "chunk" of chromosome 7 the doctor was talking about.

Now, everyone has roughly the same things dormant in our DNA...we all have genes for Down Syndrome or Cystic's when our pairs aren't right that those disorders surface. Some require both genes to be present (to be dormant), sometimes only one gene needs to be "good"'s usually when both of those genes are there something wrong. However, in Emily's case, that's not so. There is one particular disease called CEREBRAL CAVERNOUS MALFORMATION or CCM2. This particular disease requires two good genes (one from each strand in Chromosome 7) but Emily is missing one of those genes and so...tada...she has Cerebral Cavernous Malformation.

So what does this mean? This disease causes blockage in blood vessels, slow blood flow throught the affected area and strokes...but in adults. The problem here is that gene research is still fairly new, not all the genes have been broken down and figuered out...what's more...gene research in children is almost non-existent. The doctor only found ONE article about this disease in children, and it was like a teenager or something. There is so little research because it's rare that a child (let alone an infant) needs their genes tested (outside of cases like down syndrome) so Cerebral Cavernous Malformation is even rarer...does that all make sense?

So what next? She is giving our file to the Pediatric Neurosurgeon and requesting a consult for me to speak with him because here is what she's thinking... When adults have strokes and they do an MRI to see how or where it started it can be tricky because many times these blocked blood vessels look like...cysts! So it very well could be that Emily's "cyst" is actually early onset CCM2. But that's for the Neurosurgeon to decide...he may want another MRI to check again! Ugh! If it IS CCM2 than they will need to do surgery to release the blood vessels and get it flowing again. If it's NOT, than well...just another thing wrong! Wow...that's alot. Please feel free to process that and ask questions...I'm SURE I forgot something!

Thanks everyone...and of course...continued prayer would be wonderful!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Gearing up to see the geneticist tomorrow and I've been doing some of my own research on Chromosome 7. As I was looking through all the syndromes and disorders that are associated with a deletion in genes within Chromosome 7, I realized that I needed to have a list of all of Emily's symptoms in front of me to compare and contrast with what I am seeing in all these articles. So here it goes:

1. Large head
2. Prominent forehead
3. Elfin-like ears (yes this is a symptom present in alot of these syndromes!)
4. Enlarged genitalia as well as pubic hair
5. Low muscle tone in hands and feet
6. Speech delays
7. Learning disabilities
8. Slow physical development
9. Behaviors ('s a symptom!)
10. Sensory Processing Disorder (not a symptom per se, just something else we're dealing with)

That's everything I can think of at the moment. I know this helps see everything together in one list!

Oh and OF COURSE...11. Cyst on her pituitary gland!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We have finally recieved some answers!

The most recent set of blood tests came back with an "interesting" result...Emily is missing a big portion of Chromosome 7. I don't know what that all means, but we meet with the geneticist on Thursday to go over all the results. The doctor is currently researching all the genes that are located in Chromosome 7 and what is means to be missing a majority of those. She said that she has already found one set of genes that could be causing the cyst in her brain. While she does her research, I will be doing my own! I'd like to go in there on Thursday with some idea of what she is talking about! Wish us luck!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

You ready for this... it comes...BIG NEWS!!! Ready? Are you REALLY READY?????

My Emily has FINALLY said her first word!!!!!!

Yup! That's right! Emily has her first word! I am so excited!!!


It's the most perfect and beautiful "NO" that has ever been spoken!

I'm thinking about throwing a gala in her honor...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This right here is what happens when your husband is deployed, you haven't heard from him in 2 weeks, you happen to get on Facebook at the exact time he gets on, and you chat for almost an hour...
...your children tend to be ignored causing them to find entertainment through dirty dishes and an empty Cheeze-it box.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Prayer

We are in the car, on our way home from Saturday night service at church. (I teach 2nd-5th grade girls) Madison is telling me about Sunday School and then...out of the blue...

Maddy: Why did God give you two girls?

Me: What? What do you mean?

Maddy: Why did God give you two girls? Two sisters?

Me: Oh, you and Emily? Well, He wanted me and Daddy to have two beautiful little girls to raise.

Maddy: But why didn't He want you to have a boy? Why can't I have a brother?

Me: I don't know. Maybe God just wanted you to have a sister.

Maddy: But I can ask God for a brother...right?

Me: Sure, you can ask God if you want.

Maddy: Can I pray now?

Me: Of course, you can pray to God whenever you want.

Maddy: I'm gonna pray. Jesus, Please tell God to give me a brother. I want one sister and one brother. Please give me a brother. In Jesus Name Amen. It was just a short prayer Mom.

Me: That was wonderful. Prayers don't have to be long. God listens to all your prayers.

Maddy: Because God can listen to my heart. He hears me even when I don't talk. Because He lives in my heart.

Me: (tear) That's right. (Proud Momma)

My Maddy is so full of love for our God, it's amazing. I am so proud of her. Despite the fact that she still hasn't gotten over this whole 'brother' business...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Breast Pump

(I babysat for a friend of mine and she's still breastfeeding...I let her use my breast pump so I could have a bottle in case the baby needed it. After it was washed, I had it sitting on the counter and that's when Madison saw it.)

Madison: "What's that Mom?"

Me: "That is something for big people, for Mommies."

Madison: "But why?"

Me: "It's for them to use."

Madison: "What do they do?"

Me: (Ugh, I might as well tell her.) "It's a breast pump Maddy."

Madison: (Weird look on her face) "What's that?"

Me: "When Mommies have little ity bity babies, they can put the pump to their boobies and get
milk so they can feed their babies."

Madison: (Pondering look on her face) "Oh. Well...when YOU have a baby BROTHER in YOUR tummy than YOU can use that pump and give my baby brother milk when he wants milk."

Me: "........."

Madison: "Okay Mom? You can do that when YOU have my baby brother."

Me "Oh...okay"

Madison: (Getting really excited) "I get a baby brother?"

Me: "No honey, we'll have to wait and see okay?"

Madison: "Okay. I'll ask Daddy if I can have a baby brother." (Walks away looking pleased with herself.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Having Fun

We found something new that Emily loves! BIKE RIDING!!! Found this brand new seat at a Garage Sale for 20 my Father-In-Law to set it up and WHAM! We are ready to go!
While I am still getting used to having her behind me, she loves it and I love that we have found something that can help with her behaviors.

Now that Emily is in a toddler bed AND sharing a room with Madison, she is free to get up out of bed on her own. And she does, almost every night she crawls into bed with Madison. This is how I usually find them! I just adore this picture.
We are slowly getting into our own routine without Blain here. There are moments when I don't even want to move I miss him so much. But for the most part, we are getting things done and keeping busy. Come home soon love!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My big girl

Emily is officially in a toddler bed. I thought it was going to be this long, stressful, drawn-out process to transition her to a big girl bed...nope. First night I put her in, she slept the whole night without problems!!! Way to go Monkey!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


I haven't blogged in awhile...

Alot has happened the last couple weeks...

Yet I don't feel any desire to sit here and type it is the short version:

1. Blain left. I cried. Madison cried. We are praying 7 months go by quickly.

2. We moved. And we LOVE our one story house. Thank you to everyone who helped.

3. Started my next class. Ethics. Wicked-hard.

4. My cousin moved in to help while Blain is deployed. Bless her heart.

Wow...that was the short version.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I feel like we have so much going on right now. I feel like time is moving ahead without me. I am always feeling tired and when I stopped to think about life at this moment can be described in one word...stress. I am stressed.

Blain is deploying. It's coming up way too fast. Days.

Emily's MRI showed a 4.5 x 5 mm cyst on her pituitary gland in her brain. We see her Pediatric Neurologist next week. The thought of a cyst (benign or not) in her beautiful head scares me.

I want her to speak her first words SO bad.

We are moving into a one-story house next weekend. It is such a blessing, especially for Emily, but the thought of doing it without Blain makes me a little sad.

Just started my Ethics class. I'm only a week in and it's already the hardest one I've taken.

I have to remind myself on a daily basis that God never gives us more than we can handle. He will never burden us with challenges too great. As long as we open up our hearts and surrender it all to Him, we will always make it through.

Lord, I surrender it all to you right now. Help me to be open to recieving your love all through out the day. Thank you for sending me friends and family who support me. Bless our family as we travel through this tough time in our lives. Lift us up when all we feel like doing is falling down. Thank you for loving us unconditionally. Amen.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Have you ever had a moment where you were stopped directly in your tracks and you thought "How did this happen?"...

That happened to me yesterday. Emily turned 2 years old and I find it so hard to believe. It is so true what everyone says...time goes by faster the older you get. I remember so vividly every moment of the day she was born. I remember how tired I was getting up in the morning, finding out that I had no reason to get up that early because they rescheduled my induction for later in the day. I remember the look on my parents' faces when they came walking through the door. I remember finally heading to the hospital and not being able to talk because I was so nervous. I remember the pain soooo well. That part is a myth by the way...not everyone forgets all about the pain of childbirth. I think maybe it's because I went through both deliveries with ZERO medication and so the pain is so much more present in my memories. I remember the doctor immediately placing her in my lap, I remember the shock of finding out it was another girl (only because while I was pushing I felt like it could very well be a boy), I remember being glad that we chose to once again NOT find out the sex of the baby before hand.

And that face. The beautiful face with the pointy elf ears and the cone head. My girl.

And now she is TWO years old. How did this happen? Where did the time go? What have I been doing for the past two years? Oh...that's right...I've been changing diapers, washing spit on clothes, going to doctor appointments, taking walks, trips to the park, moving twice, worrying every know, the usual.

Life has been good to us and I am so thankful for Emily. A little girl that keeps me on my toes each day and who shows me what true love is all about.

Happy Birthday Emily! You are so loved.

Friday, July 30, 2010

ModPosh Design

My good friend Monica just opened her Etsy store...ModPosh Design!!! Check it out!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spending time in Patterson.

We have been spending some time in Patterson this week. Yesterday was a day of total relaxation! We hung out, went in the pool and had a delicious BBQ with our friends Jason and Nyki. It was their daughter's first time in the pool too! We ended the night with a movie and ice cream! Today the boys are out on the lake rippin' it up on the jetskiis. Here are some pictures from yesterday. Madison and Papa in the middle of a serious jam session!
Yup...that's me and my husband! I love this man!

Adriana just fell in love with the pool!
Above: Me and Nyki
Below: Adriana LOVING the water!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The latest...

The past couple weeks have been really busy but so much fun!

Madison took swim lessons for two weeks and did so wonderful! I was expecting a timid little girl who wouldn't leave the steps...but her teacher had some special powers because she had her floating and kicking and blowing bubbles the first day!!!

Madison with her swim teacher, Yvonne.

We also had a great visit from one of my best friends!!! Desiree flew out to spend a week with us and I am so glad she did! We spent the days taking walks, going to the park, spending a few hours at the beach, an afternoon at the pool and enjoying naps!!! Love her.
On a more serious note...Blain's pre-deployment leave is fast approaching and while I'm excited to get him home for a couple weeks, it means that deployment is not far off. Prayers for us!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Yup, that's is my husband's 27th birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to an amazing man!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Quick update and prayer requests...

It's been awhile since I posted, so I'm just going to give a quick update and ask for some prayer!!!

Madison is currently in swim lessons and is doing wonderfully. The first day she got in the water, the teacher got her to do things I've been trying to do for years!!! She only has three lessons left but I'm hopeful that she will now be more confident in the water. She is starting to get an attitude with me and so my patience is starting to be worn thin. I ask prayer that we can get through this pre-adolescent stage and find a good balance between us. I want to continue to be a caring and patient mom and the days when all she wants to do is talk back, I find that woman to be long gone. I pray that I can continue to show her what it takes to be a woman of God and to treat all people with love and respect.

Emily recently went in for a second MRI and it was such a hard day for me. She did wonderfully through the entire thing but was exhausted the next couple of days. The prayer request I'm asking for her is that when we get the results, everything will be normal. I pray that there is no cyst or tumor in that beautiful head of hers and that there is no further reason to worry.

My next prayer request is for our entire family. Blain is being deployed and we now know the actual date. While I can't share it for security reasons, just know that it is soon and we are beginning to prepare. I am sad at the thought of having to spend the rest of the year without him, I am sad for the girls...they have gotten incredibly close to their daddy over the last few months and I know it is going to be a tough time for them. I am asking prayer first for Blain. That he will be safe while he is away and that he is given many opportunities to write or call us. I ask prayer for myself, that I will be a good single parent while he is gone and that I am given the opporunities to take a step back and get refreshed when I feel like I can't go on alone anymore. I pray for each of the girls, that they will understand that daddy will be coming back soon. I pray that they will rely on eachother for support and love in the way sisters only can and that although they're young, they can get a grasp on the entire situation.

We need prayer!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Just wanted everyone to know that I love my husband. He is a kind, gracious and funny man. He loves our children and enjoys making them laugh.

Shhh...they're sleeping.

Emily just started to "pretend play" with Madison and I love it! They now cuddle up together and pretend that they are sleeping. Emily finds it fascinating to have me watch her while she closes her eyes, sleeps and then wakes-up!!! I love the little things that kids find entertaining.


I just found out that my favorite blog from a complete stranger just went private! I can no longer head over to her site and laugh until I have tears in my eyes. I am very upset.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hooked on Phonics

Last year for Christmas Madison got Hooked on Phonics from my parents. Well, we started off really well, doing a letter a day and having our "school time" each day. Then I started slacking and before I knew it...months had gone by! So we are now getting back on track. She loves sitting at the kitchen table and going over the letter, it's sound, finding words that begin with the letter of the day, and practicing writing the letter. Then we move upstairs to the computer where she gets to play a computer game with that letter.
If you've never used Hooked on is a must have. The program is simple, yet effective!!! And she loves feeling like a big kid because she gets to use the computer all by herself.

Apricot Fiesta

Madison with the new Miss Patterson!
The first weekend in June was the Apricot Fiesta in our hometown. So we decided to make the trip up there and spend the weekend with my family. It was great to catch up with old friends, especially since it's been awhile since all four of us were there together. We even brought Sokka and he was an amazing dog the entire time!!!
The girls loved the parade. Emily was old enough to really enjoy it!
They both have such excited faces...I love the one below where Emily is looking at Nana.
This year Madison rode the pony!!! She cried last year and so it was a big deal that she not only got on the pony...but loved the whole ride!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Catalina Island

Blain and I went to Catalina Island over Memorial Day Weekend for our last couple's weekend before he leaves. We had a truly wonderful time strolling along the water, going to the movies at the Casino theatre, lounging under a tree in the grassy area, eating out every meal, soaking in the sun by the pool, and of course...holding hands!!! (Now that we have two children, it's very rare that we get to hold hands and I always look forward to it!)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Sweet Pea's last day of preschool!

We had an End of the Year party last week to celebrate the end of the school year. Madison's preschool does a great job putting together these get-togethers and this one was awesome! Madison recieved her certificate and Emily loved the bubbles!!!