Tuesday, July 29, 2008

From smiles to tears...

Madison, very quickly, went from smiles to tears this afternoon. She discovered how to swing on her stomach and while in mid-air, she fell face first (hard) into the ground. After wiping all the wood chips off her sweater, she looked up at me and I realized she was bleeding! Poor thing smacked her nose pretty good! The one minute it took me to get her from the park to the kitchen sink, she went from screaming, to crying, to laughing...I don't know how kids bounce back so quickly. I cleaned her up and she was on her merry way riding her bike in the backyard! The crazy thing? I know that when we go to the park tomorrow...she will be right back on her stomach trying to swing!
BEFORE (above): Swinging on stomach...
AFTER (below): Face plant into the wood chips resulted in bloody nose!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No change...

Just got back from the doctor. No change...still 2 cm. I did loose 3 pounds though! That was kinda shocking! As of now, he is planning on inducing me August 6th. (That's of course if I don't go into labor on my own.) 2 more weeks! Pretty exciting!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Birthdays and Baby

This week was full of birthdays! Blain turned 25 on Monday...Happy Birthday Love! Though he had to go to school, he was able to come home early! I was planning a nice dinner, but one look at the thawed out chicken and we decided to go out to eat! (there was something wrong with it!) I made him some delicious cookies and bought a strawberry pie for dessert and we had a nice evening at home eating cookies and opening gifts! Not only was it Blain's birthday this week, but it was also the birthday week for my Momma, Grandfather and Uncle! Happy Birthday to all!
Madison was giving Daddy kisses at dinner! (above)
Madison and Blain making silly faces! (below)

I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. As of Tuesday, I am 2 cm dilated and 60 % effaced! Moving right along!

Madison with Papa...ready to go in the pool again!

Madison and I went to Patterson on Wednesday. It was so much hotter there than Monterey! We arrived around noon and both of us went right down for a nap! We spent the afternoon with my Grandfather and Dad and on Thursday it was pool time! The water was so perfect and Madison was such a fish! She loves to jump in! My mom arrived home safely late Thursday night from Hondorus, I am so glad she had a good time. Because I wasn't feeling well all week, I cut my trip short and came home Friday afternoon. The weekend was spent in sweats on the couch, resting. I can't wait to be feeling like myself again!

Let's go swimming!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

4 weeks to go!

I had an ultrasound on Wednesday and the doctor said everything is looking great. Heartbeat was at 150 and he estimates the baby is currently around 6 lbs 3 oz. Doctor is still saying first week of August and that he's not going to let me go past August 8th. So he said if I haven't gone into labor on my own by that Thursday, to expect to get induced Thursday/Friday. I go in again next Wednesday...looking forward to it! I can't believe we are 4 weeks away from meeting our baby!

Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July weekend

Our neighbors, Mel and Audrey, having fun with sparklers!

It was a very laid-back 4th of July this year! On Wednesday, my mom joined me at my doctor's appointment. Everything went well...heartbeat was in the 130's and I am a fingertip dilated. After the doctor, mom took Madison and I home with her for the weekend. I was lucky enough to have dinner with two of my very best friends...Andrea and Monica...thanks girls! It was so nice to see you two! I sure do miss you both! Thursday, Madison and I spent the day with my sister. We had lunch and went to the park and napped! That night we surprised my dad with a birthday dinner! His birthday was the week before, but we celebrated Thursday so that Madison and I could be there. My mom made his favorite dinner and I baked a triple chocolate cake and we bought him the coolest 'Raiders' shoes and chocolate covered cherries...he was SO surprised and we had a good time.

Madison LOVED the fireworks! She didn't get scared or cover her ears...she clapped the whole time!
Friday my mom and I went to my sister's salon and got our hair done while Madison played the afternoon away with her Papa. Us girls went to lunch and I napped when we got home. After naps, my dad barbequed a great dinner and once night fall hit, we were out in the court setting off fireworks. My cousin Danny came by, Michelle's bf and friend, our next door neighbors and the neighbors across the street all came out to watch! We stayed up till 10 pm doing fireworks and couldn't have had a better time! Saturday we swam and napped and played inside...it was very hot out! As much as I love spending time with my parents, I was ready to get home and out of the hot weather...I was really swollen and uncomfortable! Thanks for a great weekend!

Everyone waiting for the next set of fireworks to go off!
Please keep my mom in your prayers...she is leaving for a 10 day mission trip to Hondorus.
My dad doing a great job! (above)
Madison not too sure about that firework! (below)