Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I got a cricut I got a cricut I got a cricut hey hey hey hey!!!

WOW!!! I am SO late at wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day!!! I sure hope it was a wonderful day for all the Momma's out there!

As for me...it was such a low key day and I loved every second of it! My Mom and Dad sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and they are currently adding a touch of sunshine to my kitchen table! I woke up to find a personal Cricut just for me from my wonderful husband!!! And a card that made me cry! Really...tears were flowing!!! We enjoyed a great service at church, Panda Express for lunch and I took a delightful two hour nap when the girls went down. The rest of the evening was spent playing on the floor with my kiddos and snuggling up with my man to watch Avatar.

I love my life.


Andrea said...

Oh, I'm jealous!! I always see such fun things made with cricuts, but it's one of those things I probably wouldn't buy for myself. So make some awesome stuff!! And I'm glad to hear you had a nice mother's day! Love you

Monica&Kevin said...

k. totally want that cricut!! I wish I could come over and we could cut cute stuff out! I'm always looking on ebay to see if I can get one killer cheap. Sounds like it was a wonderful day! Love you!!