Monday, January 26, 2009

First taste of Rice Cereal!

This weekend was the start of a new adventure for us! Emily started eating rice cereal! Or should I say, she started spitting out rice cereal! We have noticed that bottles aren't sustaining her...she wants a bottle almost every two hours. So, although I wanted to wait until she was sitting up on her own, Blain went to the Commissary and picked her up a box and we gave it a try. Short version...she didn't like it but managed to keep a few drops down! We are going to try it once every couple days until she gets used to it and then start giving it more often as well as introducing some fruits and veggies. I'm not too keen on the baby food stage of growth (I enjoy the bottle stage and the feeding-themselves-stage) but am looking forward to finding the foods she likes! The pictures below is pretty much how the first taste went down!ABOVE: Getting ready...not much of an expression!
BELOW: She did great opening her mouth to the spoon and closing her lips around it! Which lets me know she's ready!

ABOVE: " I like this?"
BELOW: "NO! I don't like it!" She gave me this look that said "Mom, what IS this?"

ABOVE: She slowly let it drip out of her mouth while staring off into space! It was quiet an eventful evening!


Unknown said...

sara, she is sooo cute!! I love all the faces she makes, especially the disgusted one. Wish I could see her. When are you guys done in monterey?? Do you know where you are going yet??

Monica&Kevin said...

Haha! That 2nd to last one is CLASSIC. She's like, what have you done to me? What IS this stuff? haha...cute!