Monday, April 20, 2009

Why is it...

...that on the day I go to pick up my girl's; it's not only one of the hottest days this year, but everyone decides to be on the freeway when I'm on it? I was on my way to San Juan Bautista to meet my parents, and Monterey is a perfect 75 degrees. Then, right when I least expect it, traffic slows to 10 mph and as I creep through each mile, the temperature seems to creep up with it! What should have been a 25 minute drive, took me an hour! And when I arrived in San Juan it was 93 degrees. We took a short walk through some of the craft booths they had set up and when we went back to the cars, we found that the keys were locked in my parents car!
One hour later, when the doors were unlocked and the battery was jump started (because of course, getting the keys locked in isn't enough, the car had to die too!) the girls and I were ready to head back home. Or so I thought. As I'm about to pull out of the parking lot, Madison throws up! So after wiping it off her and getting her to drink some water (no easy task) we were finally on the road, but not before the temperature jumped from 93 degrees to 104! Needless to say I was glad to be back in Monterey with the perfect 75 degree weather and the subtle breeze that seemed to know exactly when it was needed!

I came home to 3 Marines in my backyard cooking up a delicious dinner! Shraeder and Bleeker brought steak, burgers and chicken over and we had a great meal on the front porch! After eating, Shraeder took Madison to the park (the rest of us following shortly) and we spent the next hour and a half enjoying the good weather, visiting with friends and playing with the girls. Thank you boys for not only making a great dinner, but for loving our girls like you do! You are a special part of our family!

Here are some pictures from the picnic on Thursday and of Shraeder and Madison last night:
Madison kicking her soccer ball and playing with Daddy!

Playing football with John Bleeker!

Out on a walk with Chris Shraeder!

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