Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bad day turned good.

Yesterday was a very tough day for me. Emily decided to have a meltdown the moment she woke up and so for the first 45 minutes of my day, she screamed. I was able to get breakfast on the table, get dressed and get the girls dressed before heading out the door; but I had to do it all with screaming in my ear. Emily had two hours of therapy ahead of her and I was nervous that they weren't going to be able to get anything productive done due to her behavior. I was right. Both sessions were tough but the therapists stuck with it and didn't give in! Thankfully they did all they could to wear her out and she took a great two hour nap after lunch.

Luckily the nap did some good and she was in a much better mood throughout the rest of the day. We than took a good 2 mile walk, which she loved. And when we got home my day was given a breath of fresh air when I got a call from a dear friend of mine. Hearing her voice just made everything else seem meaningless. Have you ever picked up the phone on a tough day and just let out a sigh of relief when it's the exact person you need to talk to at that moment? That's how it was for me. So thank you Andrea for calling at just the right time. You gave me the boost I needed to make it through the evening.


Andrea said...

It was on my heart to call you yesterday, and now I know why. I'm glad that it helped you out :) Love you so much!

Monica&Kevin said...

Aww, friend! I almost called you today too but figured it was a hectic one for you and maybe it would be bad timing-- I'm so glad Andrea called :) We love you! You're an awesome mom, Sara. You have alot to be proud of.