Friday, April 2, 2010

Knock Knock

While playing in Madison's room the other day, I decided to tell her a joke.

ME: "Knock Knock"
ME: "now you say Who's There?"
MADISON: "Who's there?"
ME: "Banana, now say banana who"
MADISON: "banana who"
ME: "knock knock"
MADISON: "Who's there?" (she learns quick)
ME: "banana"
MADISON: "banana who"
ME: "knock knock"
MADISON: "who's there"
ME: "orange"
MADISON: hahahahahahahahahahahaha

And that's when I start laughing hysterically at the fact that she thought "orange" was the punchline!!! I love the things that 4 year olds think is the funniest thing ever!!!

I love my life.

1 comment:

Monica&Kevin said...

hahaha! that's great :)